Inspire and Be Inspired
Humble ISD is committed to innovative programming that serves the needs of our students. Each month, the district showcases ways in which our students, teachers, administrators, and staff inspire one another and our community.
In April, the second ever Top Hat Junior Culinary Competition was held at Summer Creek High School. The event was to challenge middle school students, who have been taking Intro to Culinary Arts, to put their skills to the test. Students on their school teams had to create an appetizer, entrée and wild card item in the time allotted. In the end, there was an overall grand champion team.
Why I Love My Job
“This is every dance director’s dream. To create their own team, to create the uniform and to create the handbook. I absolutely love Summer Creek High School.”
Teresa Aranda
Summer Creek High School Dance Director and District Secondary Teacher of the Year

"We take care of them...We're the first one they see and the last one they see when they go home."
Alfred Pollard
Bus Driver for 19 years
Luis Bautista, trainer at the North Transportation Center, stresses the importance of training. "For school bus divers we have to be a lot more careful, especially when transferring precious cargo, which is the kids, to and from school every day.