Technology Schedule

Bond 2022 Funded Technology Video

Summerwood Elementary School is receiving:     

New Instructional Staff Laptops & Office PCsAugust 2023
Chromebooks on CartsAugust 2023
Interactive Flat PanelsFall Semester 2023

In May of 2022, Humble ISD citizens voted for students, teachers and schools to have additional, newer technology through Bond 2022 Proposition B. 

There are three categories of purchases being made:

Devices for Campus Staff:  Every instructional staff member will have the opportunity to get a new laptop, charger, and carrying case. The laptop will be more powerful than the devices some teachers currently use. The new laptops will run a Windows operating system. Every office or front desk staff member will have the opportunity to get a new desktop computer, keyboard, and dual monitors.

Devices for Students: All campuses will be receiving new chromebooks on charging carts. Purchases will be made so that there is 1 new Chromebook per 2 students at every campus. Once the new Chromebooks arrive, the overall ratio will actually be greater than 1 Chromebook per 2 students since campuses already have older Chromebooks they may keep.

Devices for Classrooms: Every classroom will be equipped with an interactive flat panel with an integrated PC.

The devices are being rolled out districtwide on a staggered schedule. There are two reasons for this:

  1. Humble ISD is committed to our promise of not raising the tax rate. Therefore, the district sells only a portion of the bonds at one time in order to keep the tax rate stable. 

  2. It is wise to purchase technology over time, instead of all at once, so that all of our devices don’t expire in the same year. 

The new technology is being rolled out first to campuses that have the oldest devices, based upon this formula: