What is Rooms?
Humble ISD uses Rooms as a parent-teacher communication platform for elementary campuses.
From work, to home, to school, mobile devices have become a key tool to navigate and communicate throughout the day. The Humble ISD mobile app allows families to stay up to date with campus and district news and events. Now, our Humble ISD mobile app makes it easier for elementary families to stay connected with teachers and class information right in the Humble ISD app!
With Rooms, parents are able to:
View each elementary student's class information, including announcements and materials.
Engage directly with teachers in two-way messaging.
Keep all communication in one convenient location ~ the Humble ISD mobile app!
Latest App Update:
January 16, 2025
Some users who have recently updated the app may now see a new menu bar. New App Updates Flyer (En Espanol)
Watch the video for more information.
Humble ISD Mobile App Update