Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA)

Eligible Campus/Teaching Assignment (2024-25 SY)
ELEMENTARY | Teaching Assignment |
Helpful Acronyms
HB3 = House Bill 3 / A historic school finance bill passed by the 86th Texas State Legislature in 2019
TEA = Texas Education Agency
TIA = Teacher Incentive Allotment
Allotment = The amount of funding distributed to districts
Spending Plan = Details of how a district’s TIA allotments will be allocated
PEIMS = Public Education Information Management System
Local Designation System = District-specific TEA-approved program measuring teacher effectiveness
TTU = Texas Tech University
Full System Approval = Determination by TTU/TEA that a District’s Local Designation System is valid and fair when measuring, identifying and designating their most highly-effective teachers
Teaching Assignment = Grade Level/Subject Area with a specific growth measurement
Designation = Distinction (badge of honor) identifying a TIA designated teacher’s effectiveness
Recognized = Designation of Top 33% of Teachers in Texas
Exemplary = Designation of Top 20%
Master = Designation of Top 5%
TRS = Teacher Retirement System
SBEC = State Board for Educator Certification
NBCT = National Board Certified Teacher
TIA Stipend = Performance-based compensation paid to eligible employee per District Spending Plan criteria.